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Sleep - Eloise was born with an atrial septal defect (ASD), which basically meant she had a small hole in her heart. He also refused to eat food in his early years, so other than the strawberry or granola bar, he relied heavily on my breast milk for the first two years of his life. I would love to wean her, but I was afraid my little girl would squirm and rely on a feeding tube if I didn't push and nurse. What I didn't realize was how difficult it would become to breastfeed myself.

By the age of three, Eloise was eating homemade muesli by the handful, chicken wings covered in barbecue sauce, and thinly sliced ​​apples. She was growing like a weed and my chest had become just a comfort, almost a separate thing from myself to mock her. Shortly after his third birthday, I started planning how to get rid of him myself, but my child wanted no part of my schemes.



"Mother milk!" she said, pulling my shirt hard and shoving my breast in her mouth. She was in pain, something I experienced shortly after she turned two when my supply dropped. I felt like razors were burning from my chest and the more she moaned, the rawer and more cracked my nipples became. Eloise had become a little dictator over my body and I was teetering well past discomfort and into the territory of ​​​​​​​​​desperate.

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One night, hazy in the stages between sleep and no sleep, she climbed into my bed and took off my shirt. She was so hard that my body immediately recoiled in pain, and I let out a bloodcurdling scream. I ran out of the bedroom and ran into the bathroom, my body shaking with deep sobs. I felt myself slipping back into the past, to a moment that had happened more than ten years ago, when I had been sexually assaulted and discarded like a piece of meat meaning At that moment I knew I had to stop breastfeeding.

It was the first time I had received such a response about nursing, but I realized that I had been an unhappy nurse for over a year. The stress and anxiety increased in that moment, and the pain forced me to admit that I had spent a year walking through an experience I didn't want to be a part of.

In the past breastfeeding, my children have brought us closer, and nurtured both of us. While I was breastfeeding my two older children, I did not breastfeed out of comfort and my own will. Now, breastfeeding turned on me, and I remembered a time when I did things with my body that I didn't want to do - I couldn't do it anymore.

Again, he had been the victim, but he knew this situation was different. I had the power and control to change things. My daughter wasn't doing anything wrong, but it was time to set boundaries around my body.

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I briefly explained to my husband what I was thinking, and we made a plan to work together to find other ways to calm and comfort our daughter.

The following weeks were difficult, and some days it felt impossible. My daughter was crying and screaming, and my chest hurt from the milk I expressed in the shower. At bedtime we started a new routine. I rubbed her back and sang softly to her until she fell asleep. I also didn't use a new feeling: power over my body. It had been years since I was in complete control of my body, and saying no to breastfeeding gave me the inner strength to endure those difficult weeks of transition.

I also used this time to explain consent to my daughter. We talked about why it was important to listen when someone says no, and that my breasts were part of my body.


With my two older children, who are now six and eight, I told them that nursing made me very uncomfortable, and I had to say that I don't have to nurse to have power over him. my body We talked about ways we can say no, even to people we trust and love, when they make us feel uncomfortable. We talked about tickling, play fighting, and the need for privacy when we were in the bathroom - all situations we could relate to and understand, and how we can say no in those situations that if we feel uncomfortable and need space.

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I've been breastfeeding my daughter for two months now, and I'm loving the progress of my relationship with Eloise. She grew and grew, while remaining very attached to me. I snuggle most evenings, and I can enjoy the intimacy of the moment without flashbacks or feeling trapped. Recently she asked me if she could put some milk in my breast to drink, and although it was funny at first, I chose not to laugh.

"No, dear. I can't do that. But I can put some milk in a cup for you," I said instead. It was a small but firm move. I have power over my body, but that doesn't change how much I love my sweet girl. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you are on a federal government site.

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Click the escape button above to leave this site immediately if the abuser sees you reading it.

Is There A Smarter Way To Think About Sexual Assault On Campus?

Anyone with access to your phone or computer can check the websites you visit. It is not possible to completely delete your internet history from your computer or phone. It may be safer to use a public computer, such as in a library, or a friend's phone. If you have been abused or are afraid of someone, call a hotline (link is external) at 800-799-SAFE (800-799-7233), or learn more ways to get help.

Sexual assault is any form of sexual activity or contact that you have not consented to. Sexual assault can occur through physical force or threats of force or if the attacker gave the victim drugs or alcohol as part of the assault. Sexual assault includes rape and sexual coercion. In the United States, one in three women has experienced some form of sexual violence.

Sexual assault is any form of sexual activity or contact, including rape, that occurs without your consent. Sexual assault can include non-communicative actions, such as someone "flashing" you (exposing yourself) or forcing you to look at sexual images.


Sexual assault is also called sexual violence or abuse. Legal definitions of sexual assault and other crimes of sexual violence can vary slightly from state to state. If you've been attacked, it's never your fault.

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Sexual assault can also be verbal, visual or non-communicative. Anything that forces a person to engage in sexual activity or unwanted attention. Other examples may include:

Consent is a clear "yes" to sexual activity. Saying "no" does not mean that you have given permission. Sexual contact without consent is sexual assault or rape.

This can be a friend, acquaintance, ex, relative, date or partner. Less often, a stranger is sexually assaulted.

Both women and men commit sexual assault, but over 90% of people who commit sexual violence against women are men.

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Four out of five women are raped before the age of 25. About 40% of raped women, or two out of five, were assaulted before the age of 18.

There are. Sexual assault is any sexual activity you don't consent to - regardless of who it's by.

Sexual assault by an intimate partner (someone with whom you have a sexual or romantic relationship) is common. Almost half of rape victims were raped by a current or former partner.


If you are in danger or need medical attention, call 911. If you can, get away from the person who attacked you and get to a safe place as soon as possible. You can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 800-656-HOPE (4673) to connect you with a sexual assault service provider in your area who can direct you to local resources.

Sexual Abuse, Assault Leads To Heart, Brain Health Risks| Everyday Health

After a sexual assault, you may feel fear, shame, guilt or panic. All of these feelings are normal, and each survivor may feel a different range of emotions at different times in the recovery process. Sexual assault is never your fault. It can be scary to think about talking about the attack, but it's important to get help. You can contact these groups at any time, day or night. Calls are free and confidential.

All states and territories have agencies and hotlines to help people who have been sexually assaulted. These numbers may appear on your bill or call history, so try using a public phone or a friend's phone.

If you are attacked, or find yourself in a situation that feels unsafe, it is not your fault. Sexual assault is never about the victim

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