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army cool down drills

Army Cool Down Drills - 1/8 Show Caption + Hide Caption - At the end of each PRT session, recovery gradually slows the heart rate and helps prevent blood clotting. The drill also helps develop range of motion and stability to improve performance, control injuries, and gradually restore your body… (Photo Credit: USA) View Original

2 of 8 Show Caption + Hide Caption - Exercises In this exercise soldiers are prepared for PRT activities and must be performed in order at the beginning of each PRT session. The 12- to 5-minute exercise helps increase body temperature and heart rate, joint and muscle flexibility... (Photo credit: USA) View original

Army Cool Down Drills

Army Cool Down Drills

5/8 Show Caption + Hide Caption - These activities are designed to improve functional strength, alignment of posture and body mechanics related to the soldiers' performance in combat missions and combat maneuvers. The exercises must be performed as prescribed. If more repetitions... (Photo credit: USA) See the source

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7/8 Show Caption + Hide Caption - Warrior missions and combat missions require soldiers to move quickly on foot. Covering short distances at high speed is essential for movement under direct and indirect fire. The PRT activities below are designed to train the entire spectrum of cardio and anac... (Photo Credit: USA) View Original

8/8 Show caption + Hide caption - According to AR 350-1, Leadership Training and Development, PRT should be conducted four to five days per week. Below is an example of the sequence of activities and target activities of an operating unit in the holding phase. Such a good round… (Photo credit: USA) See source

Shortly after taking over as the new commanding general for initial military training at the US Training and Doctrine Command, Lt. Gen. Mark Hartling visited several units during the operation to evaluate Soldier PT programs.

His understanding' "Our physical training programs are not that good." In fact, in many cases they don't do what they should be doing, he said. "And I'll challenge anyone to challenge me on that, because I've seen it."

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Fortunately for the staff at the USA Physical Fitness School—a unit under Hartling's command at the Center of Excellence at the Basic Training Center in Fort Jackson—he has spent the past decade trying to rewrite it.

The result of the school's hard work is nothing more than a reinvention of PT behavior. The 434-page product, Training Repeat 3-22.20, Physical Fitness Training, was released in August and replaces FM 21-20, Physical Fitness Training, which was last revised in 1992.

Based on lessons learned after nine years of war, the new document is more relevant, closer to previous versions of warrior missions and combat exercises, and creates an advanced system of training and exercises that increase the strength, endurance and mobility of soldiers. For any type of movement needed in combat.

Army Cool Down Drills

"We started working in 1999," said Frank Falkowska, director of the USAPFS, who once served with Hertling in the physical education department at the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York. "Actually, we had a draft ready before we went to war nine years ago. The problem was that the concept scared him. All anyone wanted to know was what was going to be in the test."

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In fact, as then, the test is the same. The existing physical fitness test remains in the new design book, part of the multi-year, multi-phase approach the school is taking to roll out the new PRT program. Now that Phase 1 - imparting the new doctrine - is complete, the school will begin Phase 2: training leaders how to properly implement the program through a PRT Leaders Course and creating mobile training teams that will visit various facilities. (They'll be training instructors at NCO academies later this month, for example.) Then, next year, the USAPFS team will begin testing what the new PT test might look like.

"It's too early to ask about the test," said Stephen Van Kamp, deputy director of the USAPFS. "I could give you a list of possible events, but then everyone would only train for those events."

"The problem [with the old guide] was that the assessment didn't match the instruction," Falkoska said. "So what are you going to train" you are only going to train what is in the test. What happened with that shift was that the test led the practice. If you had the units they said, all we have to do is push them. Get up, sit down and run, and the more we run, the better we get. This is a flawed idea.

"The other thing is that the test correlates poorly with warfighter tasks and combat exercise. So there's a false assumption that if you score very, very high on the APFT — 300 points — you can do everything a soldier needs to do. We know now that's not from the nine-year conflict. So".

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"You can't stop someone my size on the street charging at you, just doing push-ups, sit-ups and running," said Sgt. 1st Class Stephen Lee, senior fitness school trainer and new document model for his training demos. "It doesn't work all the time."

"And you can't take a 130-pound marathon runner, put 120 pounds on his back and lead him to 10,000 feet in Afghanistan," Falkoska added. "These are the types of issues that led us to the development of the new doctrine."

This process began with a thorough review of the literature on physical training methods. Herman Koehler's system of physical activity and gymnastics was the foundation of West Point's physical education program in the late 1980s; In the post-Vietnam War era, most of them were shamefully inadequate; how gender integration was carried out within the PT in the 1980s; From the aerobics, Tae Bo, CrossFit and P90X crazes of the past three decades, the USAPFS team has left almost no stone unturned to find what will work best for today's soldiers.

Army Cool Down Drills

"We had to go back through the clear overview of what we did in the past and look real - we called it 'back to the future' - we had to go back and examine what his training doctrine is, how to do - fight the doctrine." Flakoska said. "We found that we have very good points in our doctrine, but implementation has always been a problem."

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"We looked at warrior tasks and combat drills—because those are things everyone has to do—and put together a matrix of hundreds of exercises and drills. We looked at the fitness components they train and asked, is this reproducible?" We do it everywhere' is it accepted, or is it even out there? From the need for a master trainer to help the commander know everything that was in the book, now every NCO should be able to pick up this book. Information and be on the driving platform," he said.

The new doctrine is organized around a variety of exercises that focus on the application of strength, endurance and mobility, strength and functional endurance. Like puzzle pieces, exercises can be combined to create a balanced full-body workout for each day's fitness training, whether it's for basic trainees in the hardening phase of PRT, to soldiers preparing for deployment in the maintenance phase of PRT. To protect against injuries and overtraining, the new guidelines limit the number of runs per session, as well as the number of repetitions of each exercise. And for soldiers who are injured, need retraining with another unit or lack speed, an entire chapter on retraining is included to increase the intensity level of those individuals to match the unit.

To complement the heavy book, which school officials say could be twice as large, the school's online knowledge site will soon have videos showing how to do all the circuit training exercises.

For mobile devices, the "Physical Readiness Training" iPhone app was written by programmers at the US Signals Center of Excellence in Fort Gordon, Georgia, and was released earlier this month as one of the top G-6 "Apps for Apps" winners. "Competition. The free app, now available on iTunes, includes workout details with photos, videos and sample workout plans for each PRT phase.

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"It's an organized training system," Van Camp said. "It covers different levels of development, allows for rework, and allows for short recoveries [after deployment], as opposed to a menu of training activities where you had to learn what was appropriate for your mission and your mission-critical role.

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