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disney losing customers

Disney Losing Customers - Disney was mad when he woke up. The entertainment giant pulled back the curtain on its enthusiastic embrace of all things LGBTQ

A participant in a Disney employee walkout earlier this month to protest Florida's Parental Rights in Education Act wore a Mickey Mouse logo LGBT pride pin. Associated Press/Photo by Phelan M. Ebenhack

Disney Losing Customers

Disney Losing Customers

"My business is to make people happy, especially children," said the late Walt Disney, founder of the global entertainment industry named after him. "The most important thing is the family. If you can keep the family together – and that's the backbone of our business, providing for families – that's what we hope to do."

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The Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio opened in 1923, and the larger Disney empire will celebrate its centennial next year. Through diligence and a precise approach, Disney has built itself into a brand dedicated to creating fun and rewarding experiences for children and their families. Disney's brand and reputation was built on Mickey Mouse (originally called Mortimer),

Over time, Disney would add spectacular theme parks, including Disneyland in California and Walt Disney World in Florida. Families flocked to the parks and generations of young Americans grew up wearing Mickey Mouse ears and singing iconic Disney songs. What could go wrong?

Three big changes explain Disney's recent transformation. The first was a series of company expansions into "mature" entertainment and experience formats. Under CEO Bob Iger, Disney bought most of the popular 21st Century Fox empire. This is just one of many clear indications that the company is moving full force into entertainment territory that Walt Disney probably never allowed.

The second evolution came with new digital technologies that allowed Disney to enter the vast and unfettered world of streaming entertainment, including Disney+. Also the trade paper

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But it is the third development that is most important: the modern rebellion against traditional views about marriage, sex, gender and family. The company has been pushing in new directions for years, but in recent days, Disney, embroiled in conflict with its LGBTQ+ employees and stakeholders, has spoken out.

We're given the foreword that Disney is putting its entire future on the line in favor of total moral rebellion.

Current Disney CEO Bob Chapek finds himself in trouble when his powerful group of LGBTQ employees complains that the company didn't step up to the plate in opposition to the Parental Rights in Education bill currently signed into law in Florida. He tried to placate the workers and activists who supported them through corporate donations to LGBTQ organizations and public messaging against the Florida bill. Chapek clearly misread the situation and it is hard to see how he could have survived the outcome. The LGBTQ movement doesn't want "progress," it demands surrender.

Disney Losing Customers

Videos from a Disney "all-hands" staff meeting held just days ago show the extent of the company's enthusiastic acceptance of that total surrender. Rumors spread about the meetings, and the videos got into the hands of Christopher Rufo, an investigative reporter at the Manhattan Institute's.

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. He posted excerpts of the videos on Twitter, showing Disney's new direction — a rampant, unapologetic, seemingly limitless embrace of all things LGBTQ with gusto.

Disney officials and other participants in the videos went all out in an effort to prove their credibility as LGBTQ advocates. Karey Burke, Disney's president of general entertainment, proudly pointed to her "two queer kids" and went on to identify them as "a transgender kid and a pansexual kid." He pledged to push for 50 percent of all Disney programming and characters to be "LGBTQIA" and racial minorities. Pro-LGBTQ narratives and queer protagonists should become the new norm. Disney executive producer Allen March has committed the company to "exploring queer stories" and measuring the fact that Disney creates a sufficient number of "sexual characters" and "canonical bisexual characters."

Business leaders also sought to prove their commitment to gender diversity. Vivian Ware, Disney's director of diversity and inclusion, said the company has removed words like "ladies," "gentlemen," "boys" and "girls" from its theme parks. In an odd statement, she informed the contestants that not everyone who "identifies as a girl" wants to be greeted as a princess. Instead, he urged the company to focus on creating "magical moments" for everyone, regardless of gender transition. How, exactly?

All of this should come as no surprise to anyone who has followed Disney over the past few years. The company just finds itself in the awkward position of unwittingly letting the world into its internal conversations. So now we know. We're given the foreword that Disney is putting its entire future on the line in favor of total moral rebellion.

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Disney is a big company and it has a lot of devout Christians among its employees. They do not register for full vigilance. What are they doing now? That question will move from one company to another in the coming months.

What are we going to do now? Well, first of all, let's not pretend we don't know the truth about Disney. Christian parents and families must understand that the Disney empire is no longer a place where you can say male or female. Decisions must be made. I'm sure Christians will be gone from the Disney world long before it gets a vigilante remake

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Disney Losing Customers

Albert Mohler is president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Boyce College and editor of WORLD Opinions. He is also president of the Evangelical Theological Society and host

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. He is the seminary's Centennial Professor of Christian Thought and Minister, having served as pastor and staff administrator for several Southern Baptist churches. Each quarter, I provide an analysis of the Walt Disney Company's earnings. That's the boring thing CEO Bob Chapek is doing to calm Wall Street.

So, we have another year in the books at Disney. Let's review what we learned and also look forward to what will happen next.

There's a lot more we could talk about, but there's only one number you need to know about Disney to understand what happened.

So the company brought in $4.9 billion in revenue but spent nearly $6.4 billion to get there, which is not good business practice.

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In addition, Disney lost nearly $500 million per month on streaming in the last quarter of 2022.

In fact, if you are patient enough to check out my previous articles - and please don' your life! - you will notice repeated pauses.

By moving Disney to a digital business, it declared that it would lose the most money in 2022 and remain underwater in 2023.

Disney Losing Customers

Chapek and his CFO, Christine McCarthy, called fiscal year 2024 the first year that services like Disney+, Hulu+ and ESPN+ will turn a profit.

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I said that right at least 20 times. The weird thing now is that it just shows up in a spreadsheet.

Wall Street is very bad at saying, "Oh, that's fine!" about the decline that will occur in the coming quarter/year.

Then we hit that deadline, and the loss comes off the balance sheet, everyone panics and reacts. That's all that happened here.

During the pandemic, investors put eyeballs first. They want massive subscriber growth for streaming, something Disney has achieved at an incredible rate.

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Now the tide has turned. After similar Netflix earnings calls two quarters ago, that company's stock fell.

Wall Street analysts suddenly moved the goalposts on the benchmarks. Almost overnight, they decided a profitable service was preferable to a larger subscriber base.

Actually, in business, that's how this thing should work. However, Netflix has suffered from a lack of subscriber growth along with rising production costs.

Disney Losing Customers

Of course, this episode feeds the growing narrative. Rightly or wrongly, the prevailing belief among experts today is that the more Disney+ grows, the more money Disney is losing.

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I see these setbacks as temporary and the cost of doing business to achieve former CEO Bob Iger's vision for Disney 2030 and beyond.

Some experts agree with me now. All they see is that Disney went from losing a lot of money every month on streaming to losing a lot of money.

Doing the math, Disney is losing an average of $333 million per quarter on streaming by 2022. Those numbers jumped to nearly $500 million last quarter, a 50 percent increase.

For its part, Disney also pointed to a 10 percent drop in revenue per customer, with price increases starting next month.

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So we've probably seen the worst or at least close to the bottom. However, Wall Street doesn't care.

Everyone who goes to Disney agrees on one thing. Gardens work wonders. Disney recently reported a 34 percent increase in revenue in that division.

Even better, operating income, perhaps the most important factor, increased by 66 percent, which is huge. And the same sum can be greater.

Disney Losing Customers

The underlying point

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